Sunday, July 20, 2008

Welcome to my blog

Hi all

Welcome to my blog! I’ve been threatening to do this for a while now and I finally have… so much for the easy part. Now the challenge remains to keep it updated and relevant. The big delay in doing this was the usual composition of excuses, “I don’t know. Who really cares? What should I write about? I don’t have time… blah blah blah lame blah”. So after realising that I was starting to sound very much like people who are generally not very good at life, I decided to go ahead and do it anyway.

I’ve been back and forth with deciding on what content to post and to be honest I’m still not 100% sure. I’m leaning towards commentary on the general field of marketing communication, after all that is what I’m passionate about. You will of course have to keep in mind that everything will be my personal opinion, one that I am willing to change if presented with sound reasoning. With some luck this will give rise to a bit of debate.

So that’s it for now, this is hopefully the first post of many. If not at least I’ll live forever in the form of this one post… provided somebody, somewhere, over some oil crisis doesn’t break the Internet *hold thumbs*.


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