Sunday, September 7, 2008

Make That Call, say ”Up yours!”

My name is Dylan and I am a Telkom subscriber… “Hi Dylan”. This is along the same line as my previous post as it involves the fact that we have very limited alternatives in the Telecommunications field. Recently I tried to make an international call to Ireland but was faced with some difficulty in the process. My first reaction naturally was to phone the Telkom “helpline”. Simple enough right, not so. Tell me, do you know what the Telkom helpline number is? Is it 1023? Is it 10111? Is it 123suckmyballs456? No, it isn’t any of these. In fact if you wish to make an international call you have to dial 0903# (obviously).

When you actively seek out and make contact with a company because you want to engage in business it surely stands to reason that being as helpful as possible is the correct course of action to follow in order to make that sale. So after calling 0903# and explaining my problem to the person on the other end he instructed the following, “You must dial this number: 00353 65 6828963,” to which I responded, “I did dial that number” to which he replied with a complete lack of authority, “...oh...” end of conversation.

When you are in business to make money it takes a special kind of arsehole to not want to do business. I’m not blaming the operator on the other end of the phone, I’m blaming his employer, every board member and every share holder who commit their time and lack of effort to a well below substandard enterprise. Step forth NeoTel, I cannot wait to throw my money at you.